2023 has been a busy year for me, making huge progress with my photography and it has been fun looking at where I have come from to where I am today. I have actually surprised myself at how many awesome people I have worked with, brands who have trusted me and places I have got to visit! But I have somehow managed to narrow it down to my top 10 favourite photos of 2023! Not only selected 10, I have also ranked them from 10 to 1, so let's get into it!
Number 10: Beautiful day at West Byfleet
This year I have managed to shoot some incredible golf courses, but this shoot and this shot will be forever memorable. In the middle of the summer holidays, with 3 great friends, walking through the course, turn and there it is! 
Number 9: In his natural habitat
Ethan was new to golf a couple of years ago now, he has embraced everything golf and I had the pleasure of taking Ethan to Whittington golf club and seeing his progress. What makes this more special is the fact Ethan is a relation of mine and it has been amazing creating a new relationship with him thanks to golf!
Number 8: Pinch myself moment
This summer I started working with CookieJar Golf, an incredible group of guys who I have admired since they started. I was honoured when I was asked to head up to West Lancs and shoot the final qualifying for the open. Now I could have posted a shot of Sergio, GMac, Alex Fitzpatrick, but this shot stuck in my mind. Matty Jordan's caddy watching Matt draining putts and breezing his way to the open!
Number 7: Be brave and trust your skills!
Emma is a tattoo artist in Tamworth, an incredible one at that. Extremely talented and wanted some photos for her socials. I trusted my skills with my speedlites and headed to the studio. I was so chuffed with how the photos turned out and really looking forward to doing more portraits in 2024!
Number 6: It's a Kodak moment!
2 of my best friends, with genuine smiles and enjoying spending time together. These 2 have been 2 of my biggest supporters and I can't thank them enough! Was great to shoot a golf day they were both at and catch this moment with the camera. 
Number 5: One team, One dream
2023, the year I became the Tamworth FC official home photographer, with it has come many many MANY cool photos, but this was my first shot I thought WOW, what a team to be part of. The lads love the photos, the fans love reliving the moments and it is very cool to be part of a local set up!
Number 4: A memorable day at Blackwell
I will remember this round of golf for many reasons, could be for the 6:45am tee time, could be for the very cool photos in the morning sun, but could be for 18 holes of golf with a great friend who just wanted to catch up and a break from everything around him. This was also the round of golf that I learnt to love landscape photography and appreciate a stunning golf course.
Number 3: We are going up!
What more do I need to write? Promotion game, champions of the league and Dan Creaney, the people's hero of the 22/23 season for Tamworth FC!
Number 2: Cleeve Hill is just....special
I have been to Cleeve as a player and a photographer, both equally fun! But getting into position with an absolute baller golfer, snapping the perfect action shot with the iconic Cleeve Tree in the background, what more could you want from a photo. Also Emma is a legend and deserves to be up at number 2 just for being Emma!!
Number 1: Stoppage time special!
This photo, it is number 1 for a few reasons. Floodlights on my 70-200 f4 lens at 12800 ISO for a start! You photographers will know the pain of that! But also the pure happiness in this photo will forever be a reminder to me the reason I do all of this anyway! The skill it took to take this photo in tough conditions, with tough settings, needed precision editing to showcase happiness to everyone at Tamworth FC! A year ago I would have not of been able to get this photo and definitely not to this standard, this proves to myself just how far I have come. A special photo for sure!!
There we have it, my top 10 of 2023! A huge thank you to everyone for your support, roll on 2024 and more exciting things to come!!
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